
Scott Solimine - 7/23/2023

Pastor Scott speaks from the letter to the Ephesians (2:11-18) which speaks about the division of Jews and Gentiles in society before Jesus Christ. The Gentiles were “on the outside looking in” and without hope until Christ broke down that dividing wall through His sacrifice on the cross. Pastor Scott invites us to experience true Shalom, which is the Hebrew word used for peace. Peace in our world may seem out of reach, but anyone can have God’s peace, which is better than understanding, by trusting God and being in His presence. In the passage, Paul writes that the dividing walls of the false peace that we build around us to keep the chaos of life out only serve to keep our own chaos in those walls. These walls we’ve built in our lives, which help us to avoid conflict with others will be replaced with the wall of true peace (Shalom) that is produced in us by the Holy Spirit and only then can we become one humanity and experience unity with others. Are you in need of true shalom? Watch this video to discover how to discover true peace from the Holy Spirit.